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Thu Dec 17 2015

The Components of SEO: Technical Audit, Authority Audit, Content Audit

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Search Engine Optimisation. Possibly one of the most talked-about and debated techniques for many companies. From small business to large companies, improving search engine ranking always seems to be on the radar.

So what efforts should you be concentrating on in the New Financial Year to help improve your SEO?

We see SEO as a three-tiered approach, and not all improvements require a developer’s assistance. In this series, I thought I’d explain the ‘SEO Components’ we review when auditing a website and how you can work these into your strategy for the new financial year.

Before I start, let me stress that NO ONE except Google and the other search engines knows exactly what is used to rank search results when crawling websites. However, there are certain elements we know are included in the algorithms. I’ll touch on some of these things here (not everything, as that, would be a very long article!).

The Arcadian Digital SEO Components Model

We review SEO with a three-tiered approach the technical set up of the site, a look at the authority of the site and then the content. Each of these do work hand-in-hand with one another, but we find breaking it down is the easiest way to determine how to improve SEO as a whole. We’ll take a look at the technical side of SEO first.

Unless you know a little HTML, there’s a chance you will require a web developer’s assistance with this section. As a little warning, be cautious of using SEO specialists. While some are legitimate, unfortunately, there are a lot of dodgy companies out there (for lack of a better word). You don’t want to get caught in Black Hat SEO practices as this type of activity if punished by search engines, can take years to counteract. The best advice I can give here is to do your research and try to work with a reputable company, and particularly one with a solid client list. This should help weave out the dodgy companies to the legitimate ones.

What’s involved in a technical SEO audit? Here are a few things to look for when reviewing your site structure for SEO:

Contact us to find out how to make the most of SEO for your business.

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We’d love to hear about your digital requirements. Even if you don’t quite know what you need, get in touch as we can help formulate a whole digital strategy to meet your business objectives.

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Level 16, 459 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000

03 9090 7070

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